Friday, January 8, 2010

Help! Chicken recipe ideas? No stove.?

Our stove doesn't work. =(

What can I make with whole chickem on a stove top?Help! Chicken recipe ideas? No stove.?

You will have to cut the chicken up into pieces. Only then it will cook easier. You can try this easy chicken recipe鈥?/a>

I hope you find this helpful.Help! Chicken recipe ideas? No stove.?
wow. Stove top would be kind of hard for a whole chicken. You might want to chop it up first or else the only thing I can think of in western way is deep fry it. I dont think people would like steamed chicken like the asian style. You can try BBQ the chicken or rotisserie. Rotisserie is really good.
I would cut the chicken up into pieces; it will cook easier and faster if you do that. I always cook a whole chicken in the oven. If you have a ';smoker'; you could smoke the chicken, but that will take a long time.
I hope this helps you!!!
you could make chicken soup (or stew). You can also cut up the chicken and pan fry it or make a stir fry. You don't have to use the whole chicken at once.
boil the chicken then shred all the meat and make chicken and dumplings or chicken noodle soup. u could also cut it up and make fried chicken
You can either fry it like a steak or you can grill it ... choose (:
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