Friday, January 8, 2010

Does anyone know the recipe for Kelsey's Balsamic Chicken? Or where I might find it? Thanks!?

THese are few I found鈥?/a>

Peppered balsamic chicken

boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 teaspoons lemon-pepper seasoning

1-1/2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup chicken broth

2 garlic cloves, minced (garlic lover over here, I used 3-4 cloves instead)

4 teaspoons butter

parsley sprigs

cherry tomatoes

On hard surface with meat mallet or similar flattening utensil, lightly pound chicken to 1/4-inch thickness.

Press lemon-pepper seasoning evenly on both sides of chicken.

In large frypan, place oil and heat to medium temperature. Add chicken and cook, turning once, about 7 minutes or until fork can be inserted in chicken with ease. I covered it while cooking and thus only had to cook it for about 3-4 minutes per side. Remove chicken to warm serving platter; keep warm.

In medium bowl, mix together vinegar, broth and garlic; add to frypan. Cook over medium-high heat, scraping up brown meat bits, about 2 minutes or until mixture is reduced and syrupy. I had to reduce my mixture for maybe 4-5 minutes to reach the syrupy consistency, so take note of that. Also, don't inhale the vinegar when it hits that heat! It'll knock you out. I'm telling you from experience ;)

Add butter; stir to melt. Place chicken on serving dish and spoon sauce over chicken. Garnish with parsley sprigs and cherry tomatoes.

Makes 4 servings.鈥?/a>

鈥?/a>Does anyone know the recipe for Kelsey's Balsamic Chicken? Or where I might find it? Thanks!?
When I was a chef my friend was the corporate exective chef for them in the Cara empire, I have not been there in years and would imagine the dish is alot like a stir fry, if so the amount of vinegar is for flavour and coulour so if you do attempt making it buy a store brand, do not go and buy a $30 bottle of aged say a 20 or 30 yrs old one.

If you have had this dish a number of times it should be easy to make, and for the sauce make a simple mixture of soya suce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, and cornstarch like a chinese stry fry, if it is a breast of chicken you can marinate in a oil based marinate with balsamic vinegar, the stores like Zehrs, Loblaws, A%26amp;P and other sell a bottled balsamic dressing that would be good for both the marinate and the sauce, just add the cornstarch to the dressing and warm it for a brush on glaze or in the first mix I said for the stir fry.

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